Job Opportunities
Our reputation is only as great as the people who represent our company.
It is for that reason, Production Stamping seeks the best possible candidates for any openings we may have at any given time. Below are job titles and brief descriptions of the positions we are currently seeking to fill. If you are a top performer and would like to present your skills and qualifications, please feel free to fill-out our Employment Application, then send that form along with your most current résumé to our Human Resources Department noted below.
Punch Press Operator
Tool & Die Maker
CNC Press Brake Operator
Please send the completed Application along with your resumé and any other information you feel would be helpful explaining your qualifications, background and specific expertise to:
Human Resources Manager
Production Stamping, Inc.
9600 Fallon Avenue
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
You may FAX your information to:
Human Resources Manager
You may email your information to: